Python string supports slicing to create substring. Note that Python string is immutable, slicing creates a new substring from the source string and original string remains unchanged.
Python slice string syntax is:
The slicing starts with the start_pos index (included) and ends at end_pos index (excluded). The step parameter is used to specify the steps to take from start to end index. Python String slicing always follows this rule: s[:i] + s[i:] == s for any index ‘i’. All these parameters are optional - start_pos default value is 0, the end_pos default value is the length of string and step default value is 1. Let’s look at some simple examples of string slice function to create substring.
s = 'HelloWorld'
Note that since none of the slicing parameters were provided, the substring is equal to the original string. Let’s look at some more examples of slicing a string.
s = 'HelloWorld'
first_five_chars = s[:5]
third_to_fifth_chars = s[2:5]
Note that index value starts from 0, so start_pos 2 refers to the third character in the string.
We can reverse a string using slicing by providing the step value as -1.
s = 'HelloWorld'
reverse_str = s[::-1]
Output: dlroWolleH
Let’s look at some other examples of using steps and negative index values.
s1 = s[2:8:2]
Output: loo
Here the substring contains characters from indexes 2,4 and 6.
s1 = s[8:1:-1]
Output: lroWoll
Here the index values are taken from end to start. The substring is made from indexes 1 to 7 from end to start.
s1 = s[8:1:-2]
Output: lool
Python slice works with negative indexes too, in that case, the start_pos is excluded and end_pos is included in the substring.
s1 = s[-4:-2]
Output: or
Python string slicing handles out of range indexes gracefully.
>>>s = 'Python'
That’s all for python string slice function to create substring.
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thanks pankaj!!!
- curry lover 68
Hi Thankx for this section. I need more clarification on s1 = s[8:1:-1] print(s1) Output: lroWoll I am unable to get it .
- sradhanjali behera
It is my observation that this article is plagued with an incorrect mental model towards negative indexing. The negative index should not start at 0, but it should rather start at a negative length of the list i.e. -(len(s)) .
- Allen Philip Abraham
True negative index should start from -1
- Rezky
I think you start fromposition 8 and work backwards including position 2. So, you should get lrowoll
- John Gee
Negative indexing starts with -1
- Developer ‘J’
Can you explain the last one a little bit? s[-4:-2] Thanks!
- Enoc
Hi I have a doubt: string = “Hi There” print (string[-4:-2]) and the output is ‘he’ but shouldn’t the output be ‘eh’? I am unable to understand why the output is showing he
- Kalpit
Since string slicing is started from -4 till -2 and in python slicing is irrespective of indexing , rather it depends upon order of declaration.Things written first are bound to be executed first unless stated otherwise!
- Shiv Shakti Tiwari
If you want to print ‘eh’ from ‘Hi There’ you can do string = ‘Hi There’ print(string[-3:-5:-1]) Here -1 represents reverse order and says go from -3 to -5 but from reverse. This is what I’ve understood, correct me if I’m mistaken.
- Gaurab Dawadi
For the negative count, the end of the string starts from -1 not 0. It is like -4 -3 -2 -1 not -4 -3 -2 -1 0
- Coder
please alter your article : the negative indexing is wrong
- mostafa
Your idea about reverse a string using a negative value is completely wrong please update this post. What actually happening here is x = ‘H e l l o w o r l d’ -----0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>> x[8:1:-1] output – ‘ l r o w o l l ‘ -------8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Usually, the second parameter 1 won’t be taken into consideration right. This means if I enter x[1:8], index 8 won’t be sliced right. Similarly, this happens in x[8:1:-1]. So index 1 won’t be sliced. >>> x[-2:-8:-1] output- ‘lrowol’ Here, -2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7 indexes will be sliced. Conclusion: string[x:y:p] When p x>y and index y won’t be sliced. That’ it!!!
- Kobinarth Panchalingam
what does s(5:5) return
- pradeep
TheData = [20, 3, 4,8,12, 99,4, 26 , 4 ] TheData1= TheData [ 0 : len(TheData) : 1 ] def InsertionData (TheData1): for Count in range(0, len(TheData1)): DataToInsert = TheData1(Count) Inserted = 0 Nextvalue = Count - 1 while (Nextvalue >= 0 and Inserted != 1): if DataToInsert < TheData1(Nextvalue): TheData1(Nextvalue + 1) == TheData1(Nextvalue) Nextvalue = Nextvalue -1 TheData1(Nextvalue +1 ) == DataToInsert else: Inserted = 1 def printarray(TheData1): for count in range(0, len(TheData1)): print(TheData1(count) ) print("Array before sorting \n ") printarray(TheData1) InsertionData(TheData1) print(“Array After sorting \n”) printarray(TheData1) Error: Array before sorting Traceback (most recent call last): File “c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Paper 4”, line 26, in printarray(TheData1) File “c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Paper 4”, line 23, in printarray print(TheData1(count) ) TypeError: ‘list’ object is not callable Anyone help how to done slicing in python
- malik
Plz tell me the slice of ‘HeloWr’
- Aadi