We use the type() function in Python to identify the type of a specific Python object. It’s a very straightforward function and an easy to understand one for that. Without any further ado, let’s get right into the syntax.
Python has a lot of built-in functions. The type()
function is used to get the type of an object.
Python type() function syntax is:
When a single argument is passed to the type() function, it returns the type of the object. Its value is the same as the object.__class__ instance variable.
When three arguments are passed, it returns a new type object. It’s used to create a class dynamically on the fly.
Let’s look into some examples of using the type() function.
Notice that the type() function returns the type of the object with the module name. Since our Python script doesn’t have a module, it’s module becomes __main__.
Let’s say we have following classes. We’ll pull metadata about the classes using the class, bases, dict, and doc properties.
Let’s print some of the properties of these classes.
We can create similar classes using the type() function.
Note that we can’t create functions in the dynamic class using the type() function.
Python is a dynamically-typed language. So, if we want to know the type of the arguments, we can use the type() function. If you want to make sure that your function works only on the specific types of objects, use isinstance() function.
Let’s say we want to create a function to calculate something on two integers. We can implement it in the following way.
The isinstance() function is used to validate the input argument type. The type() function is used to print the type of the parameters when validation fails.
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