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File uploads are one the most commonly used features on the web. From uploading avatars to family pictures to sending documents via email, we can’t do without files on the web.
In today’s article will cover all the ways to handle files in Laravel. After reading the article, If we left something out please let us know in the comments and we’ll update the post accordingly.
Handling files is another thing Laravel has simplified in its ecosystem. Before we get started, we’ll need a few things. First, a Laravel project. There are a few ways to create a new Laravel project, but let’s stick to composer
for now.
Where files
is the name of our project. After installing the app, we’ll need a few packages installed, so, let’s get them out of the way. You should note that these packages are only necessary if you intend to save images to Amazon’s s3 or manipulate images like cropping, filters, etc.
After installing the dependencies, the final one is Mailtrap. Mailtrap is a fake SMTP server for development teams to test, view, and share emails sent from the development and staging environments without spamming real customers. So head over to Mailtrap and create a new inbox for testing.
Then, in welcome.blade.php
update the head tag to:
Modify the body contents to:
For the file upload form, the enctype="multipart/form-data"
and method="POST"
are extremely important as the browser will know how to properly format the request. {{ csrf_field() }}
is Laravel specific and will generate a hidden input field with a token that Laravel can use to verify the form submission is legit.
If the CSRF token does not exist on the page, Laravel will show “The page has expired due to inactivity” page.
Now that we have our dependencies out of the way, let’s get started.
Development, as we know it in 2018, is growing fast, and in most cases, there are many solutions to one problem. Take file hosting, for example, now we have so many options to store files, the sheer number of solutions ranging from self-hosted to FTP to cloud storage to GFS and many others.
Since Laravel is framework that encourages flexibility, it has a native way to handle the many file structures. Be it local, Amazon’s s3, Google’s Cloud, Laravel has you covered.
Laravel’s solution to this problem is to call them disks. Makes sense, any file storage system you can think of can be labeled as a disk in Laravel. In this regard, Laravel comes with native support for some providers (disks). We have local, public, s3, Rackspace, FTP, etc. All this is possible because of Flysystem.
If you open config/filesystems.php
you’ll see the available disks and their respected configuration.
From the introduction section above, we have a form with a file input ready to be processed. We can see that the form is pointed to /process
. In routes/web.php
, we define a new POST /process
What the above code does is grab the photo field from the request and save it to the photos folder. dd()
is a Laravel function that kills the running script and dumps the argument to the page. For me, the file was saved to photos/3hcX8yrOs2NYhpadt4Eacq4TFtpVYUCw6VTRJhfn.png
. To find this file on the file system, navigate to storage/app
and you’ll find the uploaded file.
If you don’t like the default naming pattern provided by Laravel, you can provide yours using the storeAs
After running the above code, I got photos/profile-photo-1517311378.png
In config/filesystems.php
you can see the disks local and public defined. By default, Laravel uses the local disk configuration. The major difference between local and the public disk is that local is private and cannot be accessed from the browser while public can be accessed from the browser.
Since the public
disk is in storage/app/public
and Laravel’s server root is in public
you need to link storage/app/public
to Laravel’s public
folder. We can do that with our trusty artisan
by running php artisan storage:link
Since Laravel doesn’t provide a function to upload multiple files, we need to do that ourselves. It’s not much different from what we’ve been doing so far, we just need a loop.
First, let’s update our file upload input to accept multiple files.
When we try to process this $request->file(‘photos’), it’s now an array of UploadedFile instances so we need to loop through the array and save each file.
After running this, I got the following array, since I uploaded a GIF and a PNG:
Validation for file uploads is extremely important. Apart from preventing users from uploading the wrong file types, it’s also for security. Let me give an example regarding security. There’s a PHP configuration option cgi.fix_pathinfo=1
. What this does is when it encounters a file like
, PHP will assume nonexistent.php is a PHP file and it will try to run it. When it discovers that nonexistent.php
doesn’t exist, PHP will be like “I need to fix this ASAP” and try to execute evil.jpg
(a PHP file disguised as a JPEG). Because evil.jpg
wasn’t validated when it was uploaded, a hacker now has a script they can freely run live on your server… Not… good.
To validate files in Laravel, there are so many ways, but let’s stick to controller validation.
For the above snippet, we told Laravel to make sure the field with the name of the photo is required, a successfully uploaded file, it’s an image, it has one of the defined mime types, and it’s a max of 2048 kilobytes ~~ 2 megabytes.
Now, when a malicious user uploads a disguised file, the file will fail validation and if for some weird reason you leave cgi.fix_pathinfo
on, this is not a means by which you can get PWNED!!!
If you head over to Laravel’s validation page you’ll see a whole bunch of validation rules.
Okay, your site is now an adult, it has many visitors and you decide it’s time to move to the cloud. Or maybe from the beginning, you decided your files will live on a separate server. The good news is Laravel comes with support for many cloud providers, but, for this tutorial, let’s stick with Amazon.
Earlier we installed league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3
through composer
. Laravel will automatically look for it if you choose to use Amazon S3 or throw an exception.
To upload files to the cloud, just use:
For multiple file uploads:
Users may have already uploaded files before you decide to switch to a cloud provider, you can check the upcoming sections for what to do when files already exist.
Note: You’ll have to configure your Amazon S3 credentials in config/filesystems.php
Before we do this, let’s quickly configure our mail environment. In .env
file you will see this section
We need a username and password which we can get at Mailtrap is really good for testing emails during development as you don’t have to crowd your email with spam. You can also share inboxes with team members or create separate inboxes.
First, create an account and login:
After copying credentials, we can modify .env
Don’t bother using mine, I deleted it.
Create your mailable
Then, edit its build method and change it to:
As you can see from the method above, we pass the absolute file path to the attach() method and pass an optional array where we can change the name of the attachment or even add custom headers. Next, we need to create our email view.
Create a new view file in resources/views/emails/files_downloaded.blade.php
and place the content below.
Now, in routes/web.php
we can create a new route and trigger a mail when we visit it.
If you head over to Mailtrap, you should see this.
In an application, it’s not every time we process files through uploads. Sometimes, we decide to defer cloud file uploads till a certain user action is complete. Other times we have some files on disk before switching to a cloud provider. For times like this, Laravel provides a convenient Storage
facade. For those who don’t know, facades in Laravel are class aliases. So instead of doing something like Symfony\File\Whatever\Long\Namespace\UploadedFile
, we can do Storage
Choosing a disk to upload a file. If no disk is specified, Laravel looks in config/filesystems.php
and uses the default disk.
Use default cloud provider:
Create a new file with contents:
Prepend to file:
Append to file:
Get file contents:
Check if file exists:
Force file download:
Generate publicly accessible URL:
Generate a temporary public URL (i.e., files that won’t exist after a set time). This will only work for cloud providers as Laravel doesn’t yet know how to handle the generation of temporary URLs for the local disk.
Get file size:
Last modified date:
Copy files:
Move files:
Delete files:
To delete multiple files:
Resizing images, adding filters, etc. This is where Laravel needs external help. Adding this feature natively to Laravel will only bloat the application since no installs need it. We need a package called intervention/image
. We already installed this package, but for reference.
Since Laravel can automatically detect packages, we don’t need to register anything. If you are using a version of Laravel lesser than 5.5 read this.
To resize an image
Even Laravel’s packages are fluent.
You can head over to their website and see all the fancy effects and filters you can add to your image.
Laravel also provides handy helpers to work with directories. They are all based on PHP iterators so they’ll provide the utmost performance.
To get all files:
To get all files in a directory including files in sub-folders
To get all directories within a directory
To get all directories within a directory including files in sub-directories
Make a directory
Delete a directory
If we left anything out, please let us know down in the comments. Also, checkout Mailtrap, they are really good and it will help you sail through the development phase with regards to debugging emails.
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