Conceptual Article

Understanding Pointers in Go

Published on October 4, 2019
Understanding Pointers in Go


When you write software in Go you’ll be writing functions and methods. You pass data to these functions as arguments. Sometimes, the function needs a local copy of the data, and you want the original to remain unchanged. For example, if you’re a bank, and you have a function that shows the user the changes to their balance depending on the savings plan they choose, you don’t want to change the customer’s actual balance before they choose a plan; you just want to use it in calculations. This is called passing by value, because you’re sending the value of the variable to the function, but not the variable itself.

Other times, you may want the function to be able to alter the data in the original variable. For instance, when the bank customer makes a deposit to their account, you want the deposit function to be able to access the actual balance, not a copy. In this case, you don’t need to send the actual data to the function; you just need to tell the function where the data is located in memory. A data type called a pointer holds the memory address of the data, but not the data itself. The memory address tells the function where to find the data, but not the value of the data. You can pass the pointer to the function instead of the data, and the function can then alter the original variable in place. This is called passing by reference, because the value of the variable isn’t passed to the function, just its location.

In this article, you will create and use pointers to share access to the memory space for a variable.

Defining and Using Pointers

When you use a pointer to a variable, there are a couple of different syntax elements that you need to understand. The first one is the use of the ampersand (&). If you place an ampersand in front of a variable name, you are stating that you want to get the address, or a pointer to that variable. The second syntax element is the use of the asterisk (*) or dereferencing operator. When you declare a pointer variable, you follow the variable name with the type of the variable that the pointer points to, prefixed with an *, like this:

var myPointer *int32 = &someint

This creates myPointer as a pointer to an int32 variable, and initializes the pointer with the address of someint. The pointer doesn’t actually contain an int32, just the address of one.

Let’s take a look at a pointer to a string. The following code declares both a value of a string, and a pointer to a string:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var creature string = "shark"
	var pointer *string = &creature

	fmt.Println("creature =", creature)
	fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)

Run the program with the following command:

  1. go run main.go

When you run the program, it will print out the value of the variable, as well as the address of where the variable is stored (the pointer address). The memory address is a hexadecimal number, and not meant to be human-readable. In practice, you’ll probably never output a memory address to look at it. We’re showing you for illustrative purposes. Because each program is created in its own memory space when it is run, the value of the pointer will be different each time you run it, and will be different than the output shown here:

creature = shark pointer = 0xc0000721e0

The first variable we defined we named creature, and set it equal to a string with the value of shark. We then created another variable named pointer. This time, we set the value of the pointer variable to the address of the creature variable. We store the address of a value in a variable by using the ampersand (&) symbol. This means that the pointer variable is storing the address of the creature variable, not the actual value.

This is why when we printed out the value of pointer, we received the value of 0xc0000721e0, which is the address of where the creature variable is currently stored in computer memory.

If you want to print out the value of the variable being pointed at from the pointer variable, you need to dereference that variable. The following code uses the * operator to dereference the pointer variable and retrieve its value:


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var creature string = "shark"
	var pointer *string = &creature

	fmt.Println("creature =", creature)
	fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)

	fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer)

If you run this code, you’ll see the following output:

creature = shark pointer = 0xc000010200 *pointer = shark

The last line we added now dereferences the pointer variable, and prints out the value that is stored at that address.

If you want to modify the value stored at the pointer variable’s location, you can use the dereference operator as well:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var creature string = "shark"
	var pointer *string = &creature

	fmt.Println("creature =", creature)
	fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)

	fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer)

	*pointer = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer)

Run this code to see the output:

creature = shark pointer = 0xc000094040 *pointer = shark *pointer = jellyfish

We set the value the pointer variable refers to by using the asterisk (*) in front of the variable name, and then providing a new value of jellyfish. As you can see, when we print the dereferenced value, it is now set to jellyfish.

You may not have realized it, but we actually changed the value of the creature variable as well. This is because the pointer variable is actually pointing at the creature variable’s address. This means that if we change the value pointed at from the pointer variable, we also change the value of the creature variable.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var creature string = "shark"
	var pointer *string = &creature

	fmt.Println("creature =", creature)
	fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer)

	fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer)

	*pointer = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer)

	fmt.Println("creature =", creature)

The output looks like this:

creature = shark pointer = 0xc000010200 *pointer = shark *pointer = jellyfish creature = jellyfish

Although this code illustrates how a pointer works, this is not the typical way in which you would use pointers in Go. It is more common to use them when defining function arguments and return values, or using them when defining methods on custom types. Let’s look at how you would use pointers with functions to share access to a variable.

Again, keep in mind that we are printing the value of pointer to illustrate that it is a pointer. In practice, you wouldn’t use the value of a pointer, other than to reference the underlying value to retrieve or update that value.

Function Pointer Receivers

When you write a function, you can define arguments to be passed ether by value, or by reference. Passing by value means that a copy of that value is sent to the function, and any changes to that argument within that function only effect that variable within that function, and not where it was passed from. However, if you pass by reference, meaning you pass a pointer to that argument, you can change the value from within the function, and also change the value of the original variable that was passed in. You can read more about how to define functions in our How To Define and Call Functions in Go.

Deciding when to pass a pointer as opposed when to send a value is all about knowing if you want the value to change or not. If you don’t want the value to change, send it as a value. If you want the function you are passing your variable to be able to change it, then you would pass it as a pointer.

To see the difference, let’s first look at a function that is passing in an argument by value:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func main() {
	var creature Creature = Creature{Species: "shark"}

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("3) %+v\n", creature)

func changeCreature(creature Creature) {
	creature.Species = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

The output looks like this:

1) {Species:shark} 2) {Species:jellyfish} 3) {Species:shark}

First we created a custom type named Creature. It has one field named Species, which is a string. In the main function, we created an instance of our new type named creature and set the Species field to shark. We then printed out the variable to show the current value stored within the creature variable.

Next, we call changeCreature and pass in a copy of the creature variable.

The function changeCreature is defined as taking one argument named creature, and it is of type Creature that we defined earlier. We then change the value of the Species field to jellyfish and print it out. Notice that within the changeCreature function, the value of Species is now jellyfish, and it prints out 2) {Species:jellyfish}. This is because we are allowed to change the value within our function scope.

However, when the last line of the main function prints the value of creature, the value of Species is still shark. The reason that the value didn’t change is because we passed the variable by value. This means that a copy of the value was created in memory, and passed to the changeCreature function. This allows us to have a function that can make changes to any arguments passed in as needed, but will not affect any of those variables outside of the function.

Next, let’s change the changeCreature function to take an argument by reference. We can do this by changing the type from creature to a pointer by using the asterisk (*) operator. Instead of passing a creature, we’re now passing a pointer to a creature, or a *creature. In the previous example, creature is a struct that has a Species value of shark. *creature is a pointer, not a struct, so its value is a memory location, and that’s what we pass to changeCreature().

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func main() {
	var creature Creature = Creature{Species: "shark"}

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("3) %+v\n", creature)

func changeCreature(creature *Creature) {
	creature.Species = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

Run this code to see the following output:

1) {Species:shark} 2) &{Species:jellyfish} 3) {Species:jellyfish}

Notice that now when we change the value of Species to jellyfish in the changeCreature function, it changes the original value defined in the main function as well. This is because we passed the creature variable by reference, which allows access to the original value and can change it as needed.

Therefore, if you want a function to be able to change a value, you need to pass it by reference. To pass by reference, you pass the pointer to the variable, and not the variable itself.

However, sometimes you may not have an actual value defined for a pointer. In those cases, it is possible to have a panic in the program. Let’s look at how that happens and how to plan for that potential problem.

Nil Pointers

All variables in Go have a zero value. This is true even for a pointer. If you declare a pointer to a type, but assign no value, the zero value will be nil. nil is a way to say that “nothing has been initialized” for the variable.

In the following program, we are defining a pointer to a Creature type, but we are never instantiating that actual instance of a Creature and assigning the address of it to the creature pointer variable. The value will be nil and we can’t reference any of the fields or methods that would be defined on the Creature type:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func main() {
	var creature *Creature

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("3) %+v\n", creature)

func changeCreature(creature *Creature) {
	creature.Species = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

The output looks like this:

1) <nil> panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x109ac86] goroutine 1 [running]: main.changeCreature(0x0) /Users/corylanou/projects/learn/src/ +0x26 main.main() /Users/corylanou/projects/learn/src/ +0x98 exit status 2

When we run the program, it printed out the value of the creature variable, and the value is <nil>. We then call the changeCreature function, and when that function tries to set the value of the Species field, it panics. This is because there is no instance of the variable actually created. Because of this, the program has no where to actually store the value, so the program panics.

It is common in Go that if you are receiving an argument as a pointer, you check to see if it was nil or not before performing any operations on it to prevent the program from panicking.

This is a common approach for checking for nil:

if someVariable == nil {
	// print an error or return from the method or fuction

Effectively you want to make sure you don’t have a nil pointer that was passed into your function or method. If you do, you’ll likely just want to return, or return an error to show that an invalid argument was passed to the function or method. The following code demonstrates checking for nil:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func main() {
	var creature *Creature

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("3) %+v\n", creature)

func changeCreature(creature *Creature) {
	if creature == nil {
		fmt.Println("creature is nil")

	creature.Species = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

We added a check in the changeCreature to see if the value of the creature argument was nil. If it was, we print out “creature is nil”, and return out of the function. Otherwise, we continue and change the value of the Species field. If we run the program, we will now get the following output:

1) <nil> creature is nil 3) <nil>

Notice that while we still had a nil value for the creature variable, we are no longer panicking because we are checking for that scenario.

Finally, if we create an instance of the Creature type and assign it to the creature variable, the program will now change the value as expected:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func main() {
	var creature *Creature
	creature = &Creature{Species: "shark"}

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("3) %+v\n", creature)

func changeCreature(creature *Creature) {
	if creature == nil {
		fmt.Println("creature is nil")

	creature.Species = "jellyfish"
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

Now that we have an instance of the Creature type, the program will run and we will get the following expected output:

1) &{Species:shark} 2) &{Species:jellyfish} 3) &{Species:jellyfish}

When you are working with pointers, there is a potential for the program to panic. To avoid panicking, you should check to see if a pointer value is nil prior to trying to access any of the fields or methods defined on it.

Next, let’s look at how using pointers and values affects defining methods on a type.

Method Pointer Receivers

A receiver in go is the argument that is defined in a method declaration. Take a look at the following code:

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func (c Creature) String() string {
	return c.Species

The receiver in this method is c Creature. It is stating that the instance of c is of type Creature and you will reference that type via that instance variable.

Just like the behavior of functions is different based on whether you send in an argument as a pointer or a value, methods also have different behavior. The big difference is that if you define a method with a value receiver, you are not able to make changes to the instance of that type that the method was defined on.

There will be times that you would like your method to be able to update the instance of the variable that you are using. To allow for this, you would want to make the receiver a pointer.

Let’s add a Reset method to our Creature type that will set the Species field to an empty string:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func (c Creature) Reset() {
	c.Species = ""

func main() {
	var creature Creature = Creature{Species: "shark"}

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

If we run the program, we will get the following output:

1) {Species:shark} 2) {Species:shark}

Notice that even though in the Reset method we set the value of Species to an empty string, that when we print out the value of our creature variable in the main function, the value is still set to shark. This is because we defined the Reset method has having a value receiver. This means that the method will only have access to a copy of the creature variable.

If we want to be able to modify the instance of the creature variable in the methods, we need to define them as having a pointer receiver:

package main

import "fmt"

type Creature struct {
	Species string

func (c *Creature) Reset() {
	c.Species = ""

func main() {
	var creature Creature = Creature{Species: "shark"}

	fmt.Printf("1) %+v\n", creature)
	fmt.Printf("2) %+v\n", creature)

Notice that we now added an asterisk (*) in front of the Creature type in when we defined the Reset method. This means that the instance of Creature that is passed to the Reset method is now a pointer, and as such when we make changes it will affect the original instance of that variables.

1) {Species:shark} 2) {Species:}

The Reset method has now changed the value of the Species field.


Defining a function or method as a pass by value or pass by reference will affect what parts of your program are able to make changes to other parts. Controlling when that variable can be changed will allow you to write more robust and predictable software. Now that you have learned about pointers, you can see how they are used in interfaces as well.

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Tutorial Series: How To Code in Go

Go (or GoLang) is a modern programming language originally developed by Google that uses high-level syntax similar to scripting languages. It is popular for its minimal syntax and innovative handling of concurrency, as well as for the tools it provides for building native binaries on foreign platforms.

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Good article. There is one more reason to use pointers when you use heavy structs to save memory.

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