This article supplements a webinar series on doing CI/CD with Kubernetes. The series discusses how to take a Cloud Native approach to building, testing, and deploying applications, covering release management, Cloud Native tools, Service Meshes, and CI/CD tools that can be used with Kubernetes. It is designed to help developers and businesses that are interested in integrating CI/CD best practices with Kubernetes into their workflows.
This tutorial includes the concepts and commands from the first session of the series, Building Blocks for Doing CI/CD with Kubernetes.
If you are getting started with containers, you will likely want to know how to automate building, testing, and deployment. By taking a Cloud Native approach to these processes, you can leverage the right infrastructure APIs to package and deploy applications in an automated way.
Two building blocks for doing automation include container images and container orchestrators. Over the last year or so, Kubernetes has become the default choice for container orchestration. In this first article of the CI/CD with Kubernetes series, you will:
By the end of this tutorial, you will have container images built with Docker, Buildah, and Kaniko, and a Kubernetes cluster with Deployments, Services, and Custom Resources.
Future articles in the series will cover related topics: package management for Kubernetes, CI/CD tools like Jenkins X and Spinnaker, Services Meshes, and GitOps.
A container image is a self-contained entity with its own application code, runtime, and dependencies that you can use to create and run containers. You can use different tools to create container images, and in this step you will build containers with two of them: Docker and Buildah.
Docker builds your container images automatically by reading instructions from a Dockerfile, a text file that includes the commands required to assemble a container image. Using the docker image build
command, you can create an automated build that will execute the command-line instructions provided in the Dockerfile. When building the image, you will also pass the build context with the Dockerfile, which contains the set of files required to create an environment and run an application in the container image.
Typically, you will create a project folder for your Dockerfile and build context. Create a folder called demo
to begin:
Next, create a Dockerfile inside the demo
Add the following content to the file:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y nginx \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \
&& echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
CMD ["nginx"]
This Dockerfile consists of a set of instructions that will build an image to run Nginx. During the build process ubuntu:16.04
will function as the base image, and the nginx
package will be installed. Using the CMD
instruction, you’ve also configured nginx
to be the default command when the container starts.
Next, you’ll build the container image with the docker image build
command, using the current directory (.) as the build context. Passing the -t
option to this command names the image nkhare/nginx:latest
You will see the following output:
OutputSending build context to Docker daemon 49.25MB
Step 1/5 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> 7aa3602ab41e
---> Using cache
---> 552b90c2ff8d
Step 3/5 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
---> Using cache
---> 6bea966278d8
Step 4/5 : EXPOSE 80
---> Using cache
---> 8f1c4281309e
Step 5/5 : CMD ["nginx"]
---> Using cache
---> f545da818f47
Successfully built f545da818f47
Successfully tagged nginx:latest
Your image is now built. You can list your Docker images using the following command:
nkhare/nginx latest 4073540cbcec 3 seconds ago 171MB
ubuntu 16.04 7aa3602ab41e 11 days ago
You can now use the nkhare/nginx:latest
image to create containers.
Buildah is a CLI tool, developed by Project Atomic, for quickly building Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant images. OCI provides specifications for container runtimes and images in an effort to standardize industry best practices.
Buildah can create an image either from a working container or from a Dockerfile. It can build images completely in user space without the Docker daemon, and can perform image operations like build
, list
, push
, and tag
. In this step, you’ll compile Buildah from source and then use it to create a container image.
To install Buildah you will need the required dependencies, including tools that will enable you to manage packages and package security, among other things. Run the following commands to install these packages:
Because you will compile the buildah
source code to create its package, you’ll also need to install Go:
You will see the following output, indicating a successful installation:
Outputgo version go1.8 linux/amd64
You can now get the buildah
source code to create its package, along with the runc
binary. runc
is the implementation of the OCI
container runtime, which you will use to run your Buildah containers.
Run the following commands to install runc
and buildah
Next, create the /etc/containers/registries.conf
file to configure your container registries:
Add the following content to the file to specify your registries:
# This is a system-wide configuration file used to
# keep track of registries for various container backends.
# It adheres to TOML format and does not support recursive
# lists of registries.
# The default location for this configuration file is /etc/containers/registries.conf.
# The only valid categories are: '', 'registries.insecure',
# and 'registries.block'.
registries = ['', '', '', '', '']
# If you need to access insecure registries, add the registry's fully-qualified name.
# An insecure registry is one that does not have a valid SSL certificate or only does HTTP.
registries = []
# If you need to block pull access from a registry, uncomment the section below
# and add the registries fully-qualified name.
# Docker only
registries = []
The registries.conf
configuration file specifies which registries should be consulted when completing image names that do not include a registry or domain portion.
Now run the following command to build an image, using the
repository as the build context. This repository also contains the relevant Dockerfile:
This command creates an image named rsvpapp:buildah
from the Dockerfille available in the
To list the images, use the following command:
You will see the following output:
b0c552b8cf64 Sep 30, 2016 04:39 95.3 MB
22121fd251df localhost/rsvpapp:buildah Sep 11, 2018 14:34 114 MB
One of these images is localhost/rsvpapp:buildah
, which you just created. The other,
, is the base image from the Dockerfile.
Once you have built the image, you can push it to Docker Hub. This will allow you to store it for future use. You will first need to login to your Docker Hub account from the command line:
Once the login is successful, you will get a file, ~/.docker/config.json
, that will contain your Docker Hub credentials. You can then use that file with buildah
to push images to Docker Hub.
For example, if you wanted to push the image you just created, you could run the following command, citing the authfile
and the image to push:
You can also push the resulting image to the local Docker daemon using the following command:
Finally, take a look at the Docker images you have created:
rsvpapp buildah 22121fd251df 4 minutes ago 108MB
nkhare/nginx latest 01f0982d91b8 17 minutes ago 172MB
ubuntu 16.04 b9e15a5d1e1a 5 days ago 115MB
As expected, you should now see a new image, rsvpapp:buildah
, that has been exported using buildah
You now have experience building container images with two different tools, Docker and Buildah. Let’s move on to discussing how to set up a cluster of containers with Kubernetes.
There are different ways to set up Kubernetes on DigitalOcean. To learn more about how to set up Kubernetes with kubeadm, for example, you can look at How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04.
Since this tutorial series discusses taking a Cloud Native approach to application development, we’ll apply this methodology when setting up our cluster. Specifically, we will automate our cluster creation using kubeadm and Terraform, a tool that simplifies creating and changing infrastructure.
Using your personal access token, you will connect to DigitalOcean with Terraform to provision 3 servers. You will run the kubeadm
commands inside of these VMs to create a 3-node Kubernetes cluster containing one master node and two workers.
On your Ubuntu server, create a pair of SSH keys, which will allow password-less logins to your VMs:
You will see the following output:
OutputGenerating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/id_rsa):
to save the key pair in the ~/.ssh
directory in your home directory, or enter another destination.
Next, you will see the following prompt:
OutputEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
In this case, press ENTER
without a password to enable password-less logins to your nodes.
You will see a confirmation that your key pair has been created:
OutputYour identification has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in ~/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:lCVaexVBIwHo++NlIxccMW5b6QAJa+ZEr9ogAElUFyY root@3b9a273f18b5
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|++.E ++o=o*o*o |
|o +..=.B = o |
|. .* = * o |
| . =.o + * |
| . . o.S + . |
| . +. . |
| . ... = |
| o= . |
| ... |
Get your public key by running the following command, which will display it in your terminal:
Add this key to your DigitalOcean account by following these directions.
Next, install Terraform:
You will see output confirming your Terraform installation:
OutputTerraform v0.11.7
Next, run the following commands to install kubectl
, a CLI tool that will communicate with your Kubernetes cluster, and to create a ~/.kube
directory in your user’s home directory:
Creating the ~/.kube
directory will enable you to copy the configuration file to this location. You’ll do that once you run the Kubernetes setup script later in this section. By default, the kubectl
CLI looks for the configuration file in the ~/.kube
directory to access the cluster.
Next, clone the sample project repository for this tutorial, which contains the Terraform scripts for setting up the infrastructure:
git clone
Go to the Terrafrom script directory:
Get a fingerprint of your SSH public key:
You will see output like the following, with the highlighted portion representing your key:
Keep in mind that your key will differ from what’s shown here.
Save the fingerprint to an environmental variable so Terraform can use it:
Next, export your DO personal access token:
Now take a look at the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terraform/
project directory: files
This folder contains the necessary scripts and configuration files for deploying your Kubernetes cluster with Terraform.
Execute the
script to trigger the Kubernetes cluster setup:
When the script execution is complete, kubectl
will be configured to use the Kubernetes cluster you’ve created.
List the cluster nodes using kubectl get nodes
k8s-master-node Ready master 2m v1.10.0
k8s-worker-node-1 Ready <none> 1m v1.10.0
k8s-worker-node-2 Ready <none> 57s v1.10.0
You now have one master and two worker nodes in the Ready
With a Kubernetes cluster set up, you can now explore another option for building container images: Kaniko from Google.
Earlier in this tutorial, you built container images with Dockerfiles and Buildah. But what if you could build container images directly on Kubernetes? There are ways to run the docker image build
command inside of Kubernetes, but this isn’t native Kubernetes tooling. You would have to depend on the Docker daemon to build images, and it would need to run on one of the Pods in the cluster.
A tool called Kaniko allows you to build container images with a Dockerfile on an existing Kubernetes cluster. In this step, you will build a container image with a Dockerfile using Kaniko. You will then push this image to Docker Hub.
In order to push your image to Docker Hub, you will need to pass your Docker Hub credentials to Kaniko. In the previous step, you logged into Docker Hub and created a ~/.docker/config.json
file with your login credentials. Let’s use this configuration file to create a Kubernetes ConfigMap object to store the credentials inside the Kubernetes cluster. The ConfigMap object is used to store configuration parameters, decoupling them from your application.
To create a ConfigMap called docker-config
using the ~/.docker/config.json
file, run the following command:
Next, you can create a Pod definition file called pod-kaniko.yml
in the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terraform/
directory (though it can go anywhere).
First, make sure that you are in the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terraform/
Create the pod-kaniko.yml
Add the following content to the file to specify what will happen when you deploy your Pod. Be sure to replace your-dockerhub-username
in the Pod’s args
field with your own Docker Hub username:
This configuration file describes what will happen when your Pod is deployed. First, the Init container will clone the Git repository with the Dockerfile,
, into a shared volume called demo
. Init containers run before application containers and can be used to run utilties or other tasks that are not desirable to run from your application containers. Your application container, kaniko
, will then build the image using the Dockerfile and push the resulting image to Docker Hub, using the credentials you passed to the ConfigMap volume docker-config
To deploy the kaniko
pod, run the following command:
You will see the following confirmation:
Outputpod/kaniko created
Get the list of pods:
You will see the following list:
kaniko 0/1 Init:0/1 0 47s
Wait a few seconds, and then run kubectl get pods
again for a status update:
You will see the following:
kaniko 1/1 Running 0 1m
Finally, run kubectl get pods
once more for a final status update:
kaniko 0/1 Completed 0 2m
This sequence of output tells you that the Init container ran, cloning the GitHub repository inside of the demo
volume. After that, the Kaniko build process ran and eventually finished.
Check the logs of the pod:
You will see the following output:
Outputtime="2018-08-02T05:01:24Z" level=info msg="appending to multi args"
time="2018-08-02T05:01:24Z" level=info msg="Downloading base image nkhare/python:alpine"
ime="2018-08-02T05:01:46Z" level=info msg="Taking snapshot of full filesystem..."
time="2018-08-02T05:01:48Z" level=info msg="cmd: CMD"
time="2018-08-02T05:01:48Z" level=info msg="Replacing CMD in config with [/bin/sh -c python]"
time="2018-08-02T05:01:48Z" level=info msg="Taking snapshot of full filesystem..."
time="2018-08-02T05:01:49Z" level=info msg="No files were changed, appending empty layer to config."
2018/08/02 05:01:51 mounted blob: sha256:bc4d09b6c77b25d6d3891095ef3b0f87fbe90621bff2a333f9b7f242299e0cfd
2018/08/02 05:01:51 mounted blob: sha256:809f49334738c14d17682456fd3629207124c4fad3c28f04618cc154d22e845b
2018/08/02 05:01:51 mounted blob: sha256:c0cb142e43453ebb1f82b905aa472e6e66017efd43872135bc5372e4fac04031
2018/08/02 05:01:51 mounted blob: sha256:606abda6711f8f4b91bbb139f8f0da67866c33378a6dcac958b2ddc54f0befd2
2018/08/02 05:01:52 pushed blob sha256:16d1686835faa5f81d67c0e87eb76eab316e1e9cd85167b292b9fa9434ad56bf
2018/08/02 05:01:53 pushed blob sha256:358d117a9400cee075514a286575d7d6ed86d118621e8b446cbb39cc5a07303b
2018/08/02 05:01:55 pushed blob sha256:5d171e492a9b691a49820bebfc25b29e53f5972ff7f14637975de9b385145e04
2018/08/02 05:01:56 digest: sha256:831b214cdb7f8231e55afbba40914402b6c915ef4a0a2b6cbfe9efb223522988 size: 1243
From the logs, you can see that the kaniko
container built the image from the Dockerfile and pushed it to your Docker Hub account.
You can now pull the Docker image. Be sure again to replace your-dockerhub-username
with your Docker Hub username:
You will see a confirmation of the pull:
Outputkaniko: Pulling from your-dockerhub-username/rsvpapp
c0cb142e4345: Pull complete
bc4d09b6c77b: Pull complete
606abda6711f: Pull complete
809f49334738: Pull complete
358d117a9400: Pull complete
5d171e492a9b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:831b214cdb7f8231e55afbba40914402b6c915ef4a0a2b6cbfe9efb223522988
Status: Downloaded newer image for your-dockerhub-username/rsvpapp:kaniko
You have now successfully built a Kubernetes cluster and created new images from within the cluster. Let’s move on to discussing Deployments and Services.
Kubernetes Deployments allow you to run your applications. Deployments specify the desired state for your Pods, ensuring consistency across your rollouts. In this step, you will create an Nginx deployment file called deployment.yml
in the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terraform/
directory to create an Nginx Deployment.
First, open the file:
Add the following configuration to the file to define your Nginx Deployment:
This file defines a Deployment named nginx-deployment
that creates three pods, each running an nginx
container on port 80
To deploy the Deployment, run the following command:
You will see a confirmation that the Deployment was created:
Outputdeployment.apps/nginx-deployment created
List your Deployments:
nginx-deployment 3 3 3 3 29s
You can see that the nginx-deployment
Deployment has been created and the desired and current count of the Pods are same: 3
To list the Pods that the Deployment created, run the following command:
kaniko 0/1 Completed 0 9m
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-nhwsp 1/1 Running 0 1m
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-pxpl9 1/1 Running 0 1m
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-xvf4f 1/1 Running 0 1m
You can see from this output that the desired number of Pods are running.
To expose an application deployment internally and externally, you will need to create a Kubernetes object called a Service. Each Service specifies a ServiceType, which defines how the service is exposed. In this example, we will use a NodePort ServiceType, which exposes the Service on a static port on each node.
To do this, create a file, service.yml
, in the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terrafrom/
Add the following content to define your Service:
These settings define the Service, nginx-service
, and specify that it will target port 80
on your Pod. nodePort
defines the port where the application will accept external traffic.
To deploy the Service run the following command:
You will see a confirmation:
Outputservice/nginx-service created
List the Services:
You will see the following list:
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 5h
nginx-service NodePort <none> 80:30111/TCP 7s
Your Service, nginx-service
, is exposed on port 30111
and you can now access it on any of the node’s public IPs. For example, navigating to http://node_1_ip:30111
or http://node_2_ip:30111
should take you to Nginx’s standard welcome page.
Once you have tested the Deployment, you can clean up both the Deployment and Service:
These commands will delete the Deployment and Service you have created.
Now that you have worked with Deployments and Services, let’s move on to creating Custom Resources.
Kubernetes offers limited but production-ready functionalities and features. It is possible to extend Kubernetes’ offerings, however, using its Custom Resources feature. In Kubernetes, a resource is an endpoint in the Kubernetes API that stores a collection of API objects. A Pod resource contains a collection of Pod objects, for instance. With Custom Resources, you can add custom offerings for networking, storage, and more. These additions can be created or removed at any point.
In addition to creating custom objects, you can also employ sub-controllers of the Kubernetes Controller component in the control plane to make sure that the current state of your objects is equal to the desired state. The Kubernetes Controller has sub-controllers for specified objects. For example, ReplicaSet is a sub-controller that makes sure the desired Pod count remains consistent. When you combine a Custom Resource with a Controller, you get a true declarative API that allows you to specify the desired state of your resources.
In this step, you will create a Custom Resource and related objects.
To create a Custom Resource, first make a file called crd.yml
in the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terrafrom/
Add the following Custom Resource Definition (CRD):
To deploy the CRD defined in crd.yml
, run the following command:
You will see a confirmation that the resource has been created: created
The crd.yml
file has created a new RESTful resource path: /apis/*/webinars
. You can now refer to your objects using webinars
, webinar
, Webinar
, and wb
, as you listed them in the names
section of the CustomResourceDefinition
. You can check the RESTful resource with the following command:
Note: If you followed the initial server setup guide in the prerequisites, then you will need to allow traffic to port 8001
in order for this test to work. Enable traffic to this port with the following command:
You will see the following output:
OutputHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 238
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2018 06:10:12 GMT
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "APIGroup",
"name": "",
"preferredVersion": {
"groupVersion": "",
"version": "v1"
"serverAddressByClientCIDRs": null,
"versions": [
"groupVersion": "",
"version": "v1"
Next, create the object for using new Custom Resources by opening a file called webinar.yml
Add the following content to create the object:
Run the following command to push these changes to the cluster:
You will see the following output: created
You can now manage your webinar
objects using kubectl
. For example:
webinar1 21s
You now have an object called webinar1
. If there had been a Controller, it would have intercepted the object creation and performed any defined operations.
To delete all of the objects for your Custom Resource, use the following command:
You will see: "webinar1" deleted
Remove the Custom Resource itself:
You will see a confirmation that it has been deleted: "" deleted
After deletion you will not have access to the API endpoint that you tested earlier with the curl
This sequence is an introduction to how you can extend Kubernetes functionalities without modifying your Kubernetes code.
To destroy the Kubernetes cluster itself, you can use the
script from the ~/k8s-cicd-webinars/webinar1/2-kubernetes/1-Terrafrom
folder. Make sure that you are in this directory:
Run the script:
By running this script, you’ll allow Terraform to communicate with the DigitalOcean API and delete the servers in your cluster.
In this tutorial, you used different tools to create container images. With these images, you can create containers in any environment. You also set up a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, and created Deployment and Service objects to deploy and expose your application. Additionally, you extended Kubernetes’ functionality by defining a Custom Resource.
You now have a solid foundation to build a CI/CD environment on Kubernetes, which we’ll explore in future articles.
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The series discusses how to take a Cloud Native approach to building, testing, and deploying applications, covering release management, Cloud Native tools, Service Meshes, and CI/CD tools that can be used with Kubernetes. It is designed to help developers and businesses that are interested in integrating CI/CD best practices with Kubernetes into their worflows.
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