
How to Use Go Modules

Published on October 27, 2021
How to Use Go Modules

The author selected the Diversity in Tech Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.


In version 1.13, the authors of Go added a new way of managing the libraries a Go project depends on, called Go modules. Go modules were added in response to a growing need to make it easier for developers to maintain various versions of their dependencies, as well as add more flexibility in the way developers organize their projects on their computer. Go modules commonly consist of one project or library and contain a collection of Go packages that are then released together. Go modules solve many problems with GOPATH, the original system, by allowing users to put their project code in their chosen directory and specify versions of dependencies for each module.

In this tutorial, you will create your own public Go module and add a package to your new module. In addition, you will also add someone else’s public module to your own project as well as add a specific version of that module to your project.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • Go version 1.16 or greater installed. To set this up, follow the How To Install Go tutorial for your operating system.
  • Familiarity with writing packages in Go. To learn more, follow the How To Write Packages in Go tutorial.

Creating a New Module

At first glance, a Go module looks similar to a Go package. A module has a number of Go code files implementing the functionality of a package, but it also has two additional and important files in the root: the go.mod file and the go.sum file. These files contain information the go tool uses to keep track of your module’s configuration, and are commonly maintained by the tool so you don’t need to.

The first thing to do is decide the directory the module will live in. With the introduction of Go modules, it became possible for Go projects to be located anywhere on the filesystem, not just a specific directory defined by Go. You may already have a directory for your projects, but in this tutorial, you’ll create a directory called projects and the new module will be called mymodule. You can create the projects directory either through an IDE or via the command line.

If you’re using the command line, begin by making the projects directory and navigating to it:

  1. mkdir projects
  2. cd projects

Next, you’ll create the module directory itself. Usually, the module’s top-level directory name is the same as the module name, which makes things easier to keep track of. In your projects directory, run the following command to create the mymodule directory:

  1. mkdir mymodule

Once you’ve created the module directory, the directory structure will look like this:

└── projects
    └── mymodule

The next step is to create a go.mod file within the mymodule directory to define the Go module itself. To do this, you’ll use the go tool’s mod init command and provide it with the module’s name, which in this case is mymodule. Now create the module by running go mod init from the mymodule directory and provide it with the module’s name, mymodule:

  1. go mod init mymodule

This command will return the following output when creating the module:

go: creating new go.mod: module mymodule

With the module created, your directory structure will now look like this:

└── projects
    └── mymodule
        └── go.mod

Now that you have created a module, let’s take a look inside the go.mod file to see what the go mod init command did.

Understanding the go.mod File

When you run commands with the go tool, the go.mod file is a very important part of the process. It’s the file that contains the name of the module and versions of other modules your own module depends on. It can also contain other directives, such as replace, which can be helpful for doing development on multiple modules at once.

In the mymodule directory, open the go.mod file using nano, or your favorite text editor:

  1. nano go.mod

The contents will look similar to this, which isn’t much:

module mymodule

go 1.16

The first line, the module directive, tells Go the name of your module so that when it’s looking at import paths in a package, it knows not to look elsewhere for mymodule. The mymodule value comes from the parameter you passed to go mod init:

module mymodule

The only other line in the file at this point, the go directive, tells Go which version of the language the module is targeting. In this case, since the module was created using Go 1.16, the go directive says 1.16:

go 1.16

As more information is added to the module, this file will expand, but it’s a good idea to look at it now to see how it changes as dependencies are added further on.

You’ve now created a Go module with go mod init and looked at what an initial go.mod file contains, but your module doesn’t do anything yet. It’s time to take your module further and add some code.

Adding Go Code to Your Module

To ensure the module is created correctly and to add code so you can run your first Go module, you’ll create a main.go file within the mymodule directory. The main.go file is commonly used in Go programs to signal the starting point of a program. The file’s name isn’t as important as the main function inside, but matching the two makes it easier to find. In this tutorial, the main function will print out Hello, Modules! when run.

To create the file, open the main.go file using nano, or your favorite text editor:

  1. nano main.go

In the main.go file, add the following code to define your main package, import the fmt package, then print out the Hello, Modules! message in the main function:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, Modules!")

In Go, each directory is considered its own package, and each file has its own package declaration line. In the main.go file you just created, the package is named main. Typically, you can name the package any way you’d like, but the main package is special in Go. When Go sees that a package is named main it knows the package should be considered a binary, and should be compiled into an executable file, instead of a library designed to be used in another program.

After the package is defined, the import declaration says to import the fmt package so you can use its Println function to print the "Hello, Modules! message to the screen.

Finally, the main function is defined. The main function is another special case in Go, related to the main package. When Go sees a function named main inside a package named main, it knows the main function is the first function it should run. This is known as a program’s entry point.

Once you have created the main.go file, the module’s directory structure will look similar to this:

└── projects
    └── mymodule
        └── go.mod
        └── main.go

If you are familiar with using Go and the GOPATH, running code in a module is similar to how you would do it from a directory in the GOPATH. (Don’t worry if you are not familiar with the GOPATH, because using modules replaces its usage.)

There are two common ways to run an executable program in Go: building a binary with go build or running a file with go run. In this tutorial, you’ll use go run to run the module directly instead of building a binary, which would have to be run separately.

Run the main.go file you’ve created with go run:

  1. go run main.go

Running the command will print the Hello, Modules! text as defined in the code:

Hello, Modules!

In this section, you added a main.go file to your module with an initial main function that prints Hello, Modules!. At this point, your program doesn’t yet benefit from being a Go module — it could be a file anywhere on your computer being run with go run. The first real benefit of Go modules is being able to add dependencies to your project in any directory and not just the GOPATH directory structure. You can also add packages to your module. In the next section, you will expand your module by creating an additional package within it.

Adding a Package to Your Module

Similar to a standard Go package, a module may contain any number of packages and sub-packages, or it may contain none at all. For this example, you’ll create a package named mypackage inside the mymodule directory.

Create this new package by running the mkdir command inside the mymodule directory with the mypackage argument:

  1. mkdir mypackage

This will create the new directory mypackage as a sub-package of the mymodule directory:

└── projects
    └── mymodule
        └── mypackage
        └── main.go
        └── go.mod

Use the cd command to change the directory to your new mypackage directory, and then use nano, or your favorite text editor, to create a mypackage.go file. This file could have any name, but using the same name as the package makes it easier to find the primary file for the package:

  1. cd mypackage
  2. nano mypackage.go

In the mypackage.go file, add a function called PrintHello that will print the message Hello, Modules! This is mypackage speaking! when called:

package mypackage

import "fmt"

func PrintHello() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, Modules! This is mypackage speaking!")

Since you want the PrintHello function to be available from another package, the capital P in the function name is important. The capital letter means the function is exported and available to any outside program. For more information about how package visibility works in Go, Understanding Package Visibility in Go includes more detail.

Now that you’ve created the mypackage package with an exported function, you will need to import it from the mymodule package to use it. This is similar to how you would import other packages, such as the fmt package previously, except this time you’ll include your module’s name at the beginning of the import path. Open your main.go file from the mymodule directory and add a call to PrintHello by adding the highlighted lines below:


package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, Modules!")


If you take a closer look at the import statement, you’ll see the new import begins with mymodule, which is the same module name you set in the go.mod file. This is followed by the path separator and the package you want to import, mypackage in this case:


In the future, if you add packages inside mypackage, you would also add them to the end of the import path in a similar way. For example, If you had another package called extrapackage inside mypackage, your import path for that package would be mymodule/mypackage/extrapackage.

Run your updated module with go run and main.go from the mymodule directory as before:

  1. go run main.go

When you run the module again you’ll see both the Hello, Modules! message from earlier as well as the new message printed from your new mypackage’s PrintHello function:

Hello, Modules! Hello, Modules! This is mypackage speaking!

You’ve now added a new package to your initial module by creating a directory called mypackage with a PrintHello function. As your module’s functionality expands, though, it can be useful to start using other peoples’ modules in your own. In the next section, you’ll add a remote module as a dependency to yours.

Adding a Remote Module as a Dependency

Go modules are distributed from version control repositories, commonly Git repositories. When you want to add a new module as a dependency to your own, you use the repository’s path as a way to reference the module you’d like to use. When Go sees the import path for these modules, it can infer where to find it remotely based on this repository path.

For this example, you’ll add a dependency on the github.com/spf13/cobra library to your module. Cobra is a popular library for creating console applications, but we won’t address that in this tutorial.

Similar to when you created the mymodule module, you’ll again use the go tool. However, this time, you’ll run the go get command from the mymodule directory. Run go get and provide the module you’d like to add. In this case, you’ll get github.com/spf13/cobra:

  1. go get github.com/spf13/cobra

When you run this command, the go tool will look up the Cobra repository from the path you specified and determine which version of Cobra is the latest by looking at the repository’s branches and tags. It will then download that version and keep track of the one it chose by adding the module name and the version to the go.mod file for future reference.

Now, open the go.mod file in the mymodule directory to see how the go tool updated the go.mod file when you added the new dependency. The example below could change depending on the current version of Cobra that’s been released or the version of the Go tooling you’re using, but the overall structure of the changes should be similar:

module mymodule

go 1.16

require (
	github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/cobra v1.2.1 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect

A new section using the require directive has been added. This directive tells Go which module you want, such as github.com/spf13/cobra, and the version of the module you added. Sometimes require directives will also include an // indirect comment. This comment says that, at the time the require directive was added, the module is not referenced directly in any of the module’s source files. A few additional require lines were also added to the file. These lines are other modules Cobra depends on that the Go tool determined should be referenced as well.

You may have also noticed a new file, go.sum, was created in the mymodule directory after running the go run command. This is another important file for Go modules and contains information used by Go to record specific hashes and versions of dependencies. This ensures consistency of the dependencies, even if they are installed on a different machine.

Once you have the dependency downloaded you’ll want to update your main.go file with some minimal Cobra code to use the new dependency. Update your main.go file in the mymodule directory with the Cobra code below to use the new dependency:

package main

import (


func main() {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			fmt.Println("Hello, Modules!")


	fmt.Println("Calling cmd.Execute()!")

This code creates a cobra.Command structure with a Run function containing your existing “Hello” statements, which will then be executed with a call to cmd.Execute(). Now, run the updated code:

  1. go run main.go

You’ll see the following output, which looks similar to what you saw before. This time, though, it’s using your new dependency as shown by the Calling cmd.Execute()! line:

Calling cmd.Execute()! Hello, Modules! Hello, Modules! This is mypackage speaking!

Using go get to add the latest version of a remote dependency, such as github.com/sp13/cobra here, makes it easier to keep your dependencies updated with the latest bug fixes. However, sometimes there may be times where you’d rather use a specific version of a module, a repository tag, or a repository branch. In the next section, you’ll use go get to reference these versions when you’d like that option.

Using a Specific Version of a Module

Since Go modules are distributed from a version control repository, they can use version control features such as tags, branches, and even commits. You can reference these in your dependencies using the @ symbol at the end of the module path along with the version you’d like to use. Earlier, when you installed the latest version of Cobra, you were taking advantage of this capability, but you didn’t need to add it explicitly to your command. The go tool knows that if a specific version isn’t provided using @, it should use the special version latest. The latest version isn’t actually in the repository, like my-tag or my-branch may be. It’s built into the go tool as a helper so you don’t need to search for the latest version yourself.

For example, when you added your dependency initially, you could have also used the following command for the same result:

  1. go get github.com/spf13/cobra@latest

Now, imagine there’s a module you use that’s currently in development. For this example, call it your_domain/sammy/awesome. There’s a new feature being added to this awesome module and work is being done in a branch called new-feature. To add this branch as a dependency of your own module you would provide go get with the module path, followed by the @ symbol, followed by the name of the branch:

  1. go get your_domain/sammy/awesome@new-feature

Running this command would cause go to connect to the your_domain/sammy/awesome repository, download the new-feature branch at the current latest commit for the branch, and add that information to the go.mod file.

Branches aren’t the only way you can use the @ option, though. This syntax can be used for tags and even specific commits to the repository. For example, sometimes the latest version of the library you’re using may have a broken commit. In these cases, it can be useful to reference the commit just before the broken commit.

Using your module’s Cobra dependency as an example, suppose you need to reference commit 07445ea of github.com/spf13/cobra because it has some changes you need and you can’t use another version for some reason. In this case, you can provide the commit hash after the @ symbol the same as you would for a branch or a tag. Run the go get command in your mymodule directory with the module and version to download the new version:

  1. go get github.com/spf13/cobra@07445ea

If you open your module’s go.mod file again you’ll see that go get has updated the require line for github.com/spf13/cobra to reference the commit you specified:

module mymodule

go 1.16

require (
	github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/cobra v1.1.2-0.20210209210842-07445ea179fc // indirect
	github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect

Since a commit is a particular point in time, unlike a tag or a branch, Go includes additional information in the require directive to ensure it’s using the correct version in the future. If you look closely at the version, you’ll see it does include the commit hash you provided: v1.1.2-0.20210209210842-07445ea179fc.

Go modules also use this functionality to support releasing different versions of the module. When a Go module releases a new version, a new tag is added to the repository with the version number as the tag. If you want to use a specific version, you can look at a list of tags in the repository to find the version you’re looking for. If you already know the version, you may not need to search through the tags because version tags are named consistently.

Returning to Cobra as an example, suppose you want to use Cobra version 1.1.1. You could look at the Cobra repository and see it has a tag named v1.1.1, among others. To use this tagged version, you would use the @ symbol in a go get command, just as you would use a non-version tag or branch. Now, update your module to use Cobra 1.1.1 by running the go get command with v1.1.1 as the version:

  1. go get github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.1.1

Now if you open your module’s go.mod file, you’ll see go get has updated the require line for github.com/spf13/cobra to reference the version you provided:

module mymodule

go 1.16

require (
	github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/cobra v1.1.1 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect

Finally, if you’re using a specific version of a library, such as the 07445ea commit or v1.1.1 from earlier, but you determine you’d rather start using the latest version, it’s possible to do this by using the special latest version. To update your module to the latest version of Cobra, run go get again with the module path and the latest version:

  1. go get github.com/spf13/cobra@latest

Once this command finishes, the go.mod file will update to look like it did before you referenced a specific version of Cobra. Depending on your version of Go and the current latest version of Cobra your output may look slightly different, but you should still see that the github.com/spf13/cobra line in the require section is updated to the latest version again:

module mymodule

go 1.16

require (
	github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/cobra v1.2.1 // indirect
	github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 // indirect

The go get command is a powerful tool you can use to manage dependencies in your go.mod file without needing to edit it manually. As you saw in this section, using the @ character with a module name allows you to use particular versions for a module, from release versions to specific repository commits. It can even be used to go back to the latest version of your dependencies. Using a combination of these options will allow you to ensure the stability of your programs in the future.


In this tutorial, you created a Go module with a sub-package and used that package within your module. You also added another module to yours as a dependency and explored how to reference module versions in various ways.

For more information on Go modules, the Go project has a series of blog posts about how the Go tools interact with and understand modules. The Go project also has a very detailed and technical reference for Go modules in the Go Modules Reference.

This tutorial is also part of the DigitalOcean How to Code in Go series. The series covers a number of Go topics, from installing Go for the first time to how to use the language itself.

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Tutorial Series: How To Code in Go

Go (or GoLang) is a modern programming language originally developed by Google that uses high-level syntax similar to scripting languages. It is popular for its minimal syntax and innovative handling of concurrency, as well as for the tools it provides for building native binaries on foreign platforms.

About the author(s)

Kristin Davidson
Kristin DavidsonBit Transducer
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